We have completed a successful and enjoyable year! Even though we had a hard time due to Covid-19; as the Sigma family, we always kept our self-motivation high! We will remember the year 2020 as the year we added more success stories on our behalf. The new year can be a good starting point for new goals and new achievements. We analyzed the past year and we will focus on our new goals and reach new milestones in the following year. We devoted this week to Sigma Telecom 2020 facts.
Let's find out what happened! Here are the 2020 Sigma Telecom facts:
Moved to Our New Headquarters
Sigma continues to grow and as a natural consequence of this, we needed more space. In July 2020, we moved to our new office in Metropol Istanbul for a more spacious, modern, and comfortable working environment. One of the most important factors to move was our rapidly growing team. In 2020, we reached 100 employees, meaning we needed more space for tables, meeting areas, and common areas.
Our new office is ready for the Sigma family to collect new memories, achieve even bigger successes, and spend days full of laughter and motivation!
Won 1st Place at Bilişim 500 Awards
Bilişim 500 presents a detailed study that lists the top 500 IT companies in terms of their turnover and determines the predictions and characteristics of the sector. As another proof that we lead the telecom industry, we got a grand prize in Bilisim 500, for the Service Export Revenues category, which is one of the most special and honored categories on the list. Thanks to our colleagues and business partners who contributed to our success, we will not break our tradition of leading the sector and setting our limits high, beyond expectations!
Kept Growing As A Family
We have some new members in our family this year! We will achieve our goals with our new colleagues who joined our strong and hard-working team. There was a 40% increase in our population in 2020, and we reached the milestone of 100+ employees in our headquarters this year. We are fully ready to grow even bigger and achieve much more!
Reached Superior Traffic Volume
In 2020, we carried 500+ Million minutes all over the world; we transmitted the increasing traffic volume in the best conditions ever possible! Due to Covid-19, everyone talked on the phone; because they could not meet each other. We continued to provide a high-quality infrastructure for calls for good news, personal sharings, and customer meetings worldwide!
Started New Projects, New Excitements
We developed our sectoral service abilities within Sigma Group and started many new projects in 2020. We have a variety of different projects such as fintech projects, payment systems, mobile competitions, mobile applications, link shorteners, and many more! We will continue to achieve extraordinary success with the combination of strong company networks of business partners, dedicated team and years of experience!
Huge Website Traffic
There are too many Sigma fans! We had over 2.1 M website traffic, 2.3 M page views, and 376.704 users in 2020. Apart from these, our session numbers increased by 30.59%; organic traffic raised by 221.29% - We are all happy with it!
2021 Expectations
Sigma Telecom, which has been continuing its affiliates with the giants of the sector for many years, continues the tradition of being the most preferred and leading brand. We will keep to adopting the principles of quality and privileged service and continue setting our limits high, beyond expectations, as we always do. ✨