If you are looking for a solution for the Sip Codes and errors about a VoIP Traffic, then you are on the right route. Welcome to the VoIP Guide of Sigma Telecom. Today we are gonna mention the timeout error codes; Sip 408 Request Timeout and Sip 504 Server Timeout. Let’s start to fix the error codes and clear the traffic from SIP-504 and SIP-408.
1.Sip-408 Request Timeout
If the request wasn’t answered or wasn’t able to get a reply from the other side then we get the Sip 408 Request Timeout error code.
The consequences of Request Timeout
We can analyze the consequences of this error under two main headlines. Also, these two main titles are being divided into many subtitles.
The first consequence of the Sip 408 is high PDD.
The second consequence is low ASR
Those two consequences are the stats that aren’t desired to be observed in the traffic. High PDD (Post Dial Deal) and low ASR (Average Success Rate) are one of the most undesired situations for VoIP.
Why does it happen?
The main reason for getting this error code is about network problems.
We receive this error while our request is not being transferred to the other side or the other side’s answer is not being transferred to us. And after a while, because there is no answer to the invite message, the call reaches timeout.
How can we determine Sip 408?
In situations where ASR is low and PDD rates high, we can determine the Sip 408 by making CDR rates analyze the test.
The problem solution for Sip 408
You should get in contact with the vendor and inform them about the situation. If there is a network problem with the other side, we should figure it out first.
2.SIP-504 Server Timeout
If the server reaches timeout then it’s code that we are going to receive.
The consequences of Sip 504 Server Timeout
Like SIP 408 Request Timeout error code, Sip 504 has also the same consequences;
High PDD
This is the natural result of the timeout codes. Long dial tone time and too many unsuccessful call attempts.
The reasons for Sip 504 VoIP Sip codes
While we are sending a message and the receiver doesn’t answer, we get this error and also if we can’t send the call, we receive again.
What can we do to solve the issue?
You can check the IP and determine the IP that has a problem, give information to your vendor.
Can’t you still solve your problems with Sip Codes?
We are looking forward to hearing from you! We can help to you about all your VoIP questions and telecom with our expertise more than 15 years in business.
You can read our old articles about Sip Codes by clicking below;
Sip 487 Request Terminated
Sip 480 Temporary Unavailable
Sip 503 Service Unavailable